Participate in leisurely discussion as I journal my reading experience with various popular modern and classic "Books from My Bucket List"
Featuring Work by the Following Authors:
Albert Camus, Aldous Huxley, Anne Rice, Anton Szandor LaVey, Arthur C. Clarke, Ayn Rand, Bram Stoker, Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Bukowski, Chuck Palahniuk, Clive Barker, Dale Carnegie, Daniel Defoe, Dante Alighieri, Dennis Wheatley, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Orwell, George S. Clason, Harlan Ellison, Herman Melville, H.G. Wells, Ira Levin, J.D. Salinger, Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, Karin Boye, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Margaret Atwood, Michael Crichton, Napoleon Hill, Paulo Coelho, R.L. Stine, Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert Greene, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert William Chambers, S.E. Hinton, Sun Tzu, Thomas Pynchon, William Golding, William Goldman, William Peter Blatty
Albert Camus, Aldous Huxley, Anne Rice, Anton Szandor LaVey, Arthur C. Clarke, Ayn Rand, Bram Stoker, Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Bukowski, Chuck Palahniuk, Clive Barker, Dale Carnegie, Daniel Defoe, Dante Alighieri, Dennis Wheatley, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Orwell, George S. Clason, Harlan Ellison, Herman Melville, H.G. Wells, Ira Levin, J.D. Salinger, Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, Karin Boye, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Margaret Atwood, Michael Crichton, Napoleon Hill, Paulo Coelho, R.L. Stine, Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert Greene, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert William Chambers, S.E. Hinton, Sun Tzu, Thomas Pynchon, William Golding, William Goldman, William Peter Blatty
51 Entries:
- "1984" - by George Orwell
- "A Boy and His Dog" - by Harlan Ellison
- "American Psycho" - by Bret Easton Ellis
- "Animal Farm" - by George Orwell
- "Anthem" - by Ayn Rand
- "Atlas Shrugged" - by Ayn Rand
- “Beyond Good and Evil” - by Friedrich Nietzsche
- "Brave New World" - by Aldous Huxley
- "Childhood's End" - by Arthur C. Clarke
- "Dracula" - by Bram Stoker
- "Fahrenheit 451" - Ray Bradbury
- "Fight Club" - by Chuck Palahniuk
- "Ham on Rye" - by Charles Bukowski
- "How to Win Friends and Influence People" - by Dale Carnegie
- "Inferno" - by Dante Alighieri
- “Interview with a Vampire” - by Anne Rice
- "Jurassic Park" - by Michael Crichton
- “Kallocain” - by Karin Boye
- "Lord of the Flies" - by William Golding
- "Moby Dick" - by Herman Melville
- “Notes from Underground” - by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- “Of Mice and Men” - by John Steinbeck
- "Pride and Prejudice" - by Jane Austen
- "Robinson Crusoe" - by Daniel Defoe
- "Rosemary's Baby" - by Ira Levin
- “Slaughterhouse-Five” - by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
- "Something Wicked This Way Comes" - by Ray Bradbury
- "Starship Troopers" - by Robert A. Heinlein
- "The 48 Laws of Power" - by Robert Greene
- "The Alchemist" - by Paulo Coelho
- "The Anti-Christ" - by Friedrich Nietzsche
- "The Art of War" - by Sun Tzu
- "The Catcher in the Rye" - by J.D. Salinger
- "The Crying of Lot 49" - by Thomas Pynchon
- “The Devil Rides Out” - by Dennis Wheatley
- "The Exorcist" - by William Peter Blatty
- "The Great Gatsby" - by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “The Handmaid's Tale” - by Margaret Atwood
- "The Haunted Mask" - by R.L. Stine
- "The Hellbound Heart" - by Clive Barker
- "The Invisible Man" - by H.G. Wells
- "The King in Yellow" - by Robert William Chambers
- "The Metamorphosis" - by Franz Kafka
- "The Old Man and the Sea" - by Ernest Hemingway
- "The Outsiders" - by S.E. Hinton
- “The Plague” - by Albert Camus
- "The Princess Bride" - by William Goldman
- "The Richest Man in Babylon" - by George S. Clason
- "The Satanic Bible" - by Anton Szandor Lavey
- "Think and Grow Rich" - by Napoleon Hill
- "Treasure Island" - by Robert Louis Stevenson