An occupation is defined as either an activity that serves as a source of livelihood, or an activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time. Employment is defined as the condition of being paid for work, a person’s trade/profession, or the action of giving work to someone. Occupation is a synonym for employment, but does that mean employment defines your occupation? In other words if you enjoy painting in your spare time, but you pay your bills from paychecks you earn from your part time fast food job, do you define yourself as a painter or a fast food servant? This is a key difference between the mindset of a confident entrepreneur and an average individual who is insecure with their own talents.
Clark Kent is Superman
Everyone needs to make a living, but what you do while you’re alive defines your life. When one identifies their occupation as “what they do to pay the bills”, they are choosing to broadcast to their circle, that what they do to pay the bills is their most relevant identity. Let’s meet John Doe;
1. “Hi I’m John Doe, and my occupation is grocery bagger.”
Do you think anyone outside of John’s personal circle will be so eager to engage John in conversation or activity, based on how he is identifying himself in the quote #1? What do you think John’s chances are of getting recognized and given opportunities?
Take the comic hero, Superman, into consideration for a moment. He is known as Clark Kent the journalist, to the general public. I’m sure Superman is not getting paid to fight crime as a hero, but rather paying his taxes/bills as Clark Kent, the ordinary journalist employee. Does this mean Clark’s occupation as ordinary journalist is more relevant to his life?
2. “Hello, my name is John Doe, I collect vintage wares and I'm a violinist.”
Notice in quote #2, John decides to share his hobbies as his occupation instead of his employment. Just like Superman, even though it's not paying his bills, John's hobby plays a more relevant role in defining his identity so therefore that defines how John occupies his time. Do you think John is more likely to get recognized, and have more opportunities opened up to him by using quote #2? I mean if he ever wanted to hide his true identity, he could always just pull a Superman and lie to everyone, right?
Your Favorite Pastime
Imagine for a moment that franchises and corporations didn’t exist like they do today. You can no longer go to the local career center, temp agency, or business in order to apply for a job. How would you define yourself if your current employment methods did not exist? Now think about this:
“What am I doing with my time outside of work?”
Understanding what defines your true occupation, requires you to recognize what people value about you, but more importantly what you value about yourself. If people you are close with know that you are a great public speaker, because you are so outgoing and social, then there is a pretty good chance your true occupation is something along those lines.
Defining Yourself Defines the World Around You
The next time you shake someone’s hand for the first time, ask them what their occupation is. You will be surprised at how many people will let their place of employment define who they are as an individual, even if they aren’t passionate about what it is they do for a living. If you want to break the mold of society and become an individual, an entrepreneur, then understand there’s a difference between what you have to do & what you love to do, which is the difference between a job and your true occupation. If you enjoy writing then you are a writer, if you enjoy hosting parties, then you are an entertainer or event planner, if you love to talk about your favorite this or that, you are a promoter/hype man/critic, if you spend long hours casting the rod out into the open lake then you are a fisherman, your passionate activities are what define you as an individual and make up your true occupation. If you happen to be earning a living from it as well, then in that case, your job is your occupation, and you are really “living the dream”.
Everyone needs to make a living, but what you do while you’re alive defines your life. When one identifies their occupation as “what they do to pay the bills”, they are choosing to broadcast to their circle, that what they do to pay the bills is their most relevant identity. Let’s meet John Doe;
1. “Hi I’m John Doe, and my occupation is grocery bagger.”
Do you think anyone outside of John’s personal circle will be so eager to engage John in conversation or activity, based on how he is identifying himself in the quote #1? What do you think John’s chances are of getting recognized and given opportunities?
Take the comic hero, Superman, into consideration for a moment. He is known as Clark Kent the journalist, to the general public. I’m sure Superman is not getting paid to fight crime as a hero, but rather paying his taxes/bills as Clark Kent, the ordinary journalist employee. Does this mean Clark’s occupation as ordinary journalist is more relevant to his life?
2. “Hello, my name is John Doe, I collect vintage wares and I'm a violinist.”
Notice in quote #2, John decides to share his hobbies as his occupation instead of his employment. Just like Superman, even though it's not paying his bills, John's hobby plays a more relevant role in defining his identity so therefore that defines how John occupies his time. Do you think John is more likely to get recognized, and have more opportunities opened up to him by using quote #2? I mean if he ever wanted to hide his true identity, he could always just pull a Superman and lie to everyone, right?
Your Favorite Pastime
Imagine for a moment that franchises and corporations didn’t exist like they do today. You can no longer go to the local career center, temp agency, or business in order to apply for a job. How would you define yourself if your current employment methods did not exist? Now think about this:
“What am I doing with my time outside of work?”
Understanding what defines your true occupation, requires you to recognize what people value about you, but more importantly what you value about yourself. If people you are close with know that you are a great public speaker, because you are so outgoing and social, then there is a pretty good chance your true occupation is something along those lines.
Defining Yourself Defines the World Around You
The next time you shake someone’s hand for the first time, ask them what their occupation is. You will be surprised at how many people will let their place of employment define who they are as an individual, even if they aren’t passionate about what it is they do for a living. If you want to break the mold of society and become an individual, an entrepreneur, then understand there’s a difference between what you have to do & what you love to do, which is the difference between a job and your true occupation. If you enjoy writing then you are a writer, if you enjoy hosting parties, then you are an entertainer or event planner, if you love to talk about your favorite this or that, you are a promoter/hype man/critic, if you spend long hours casting the rod out into the open lake then you are a fisherman, your passionate activities are what define you as an individual and make up your true occupation. If you happen to be earning a living from it as well, then in that case, your job is your occupation, and you are really “living the dream”.