Regardless of where you reside, as long as you have a WIFI connection you have the opportunity to earn an income. The industrial age is over, and the informational age is reaching full swing. The days of grabbing a shovel and getting to work is no longer a plausible option for everyone to fall back on, for generating an income. Technology continues to replace many of the jobs human beings used to perform, with a new and efficient way of getting the same jobs done with little to no human involvement (see “What is happening to All the Jobs?”).
The doom and gloom ends right now, because the internet has made possible, the creation of over 1.2 million jobs in just over the past decade! As of 2013 the pay rate for information technology (I.T.) jobs are almost twice that of the national average. The industry that includes internet marketing, ecommerce, and intellectual property has hundreds of billions of dollars (over $400bil 2ndQtr2013) in rotation! If you want to position yourself to earn a piece of that delicious pie, you are going to need to acquire some specialized knowledge and learn new skills. No need to go in aimlessly, because I have compiled a list of the most wanted skills to give you some direction and general understanding of their value.
The doom and gloom ends right now, because the internet has made possible, the creation of over 1.2 million jobs in just over the past decade! As of 2013 the pay rate for information technology (I.T.) jobs are almost twice that of the national average. The industry that includes internet marketing, ecommerce, and intellectual property has hundreds of billions of dollars (over $400bil 2ndQtr2013) in rotation! If you want to position yourself to earn a piece of that delicious pie, you are going to need to acquire some specialized knowledge and learn new skills. No need to go in aimlessly, because I have compiled a list of the most wanted skills to give you some direction and general understanding of their value.
Web Design and Web Development
When you start/expand your business on/to the internet you want to create a grand presentation of your business to your customers/clients, this is your website. What you should know about building a website is that there are two separate skill sets at work during the construction phase of your online business. These skill sets are web design and web development.
Web Design
· This is considered the “front end” construction of a website, because this skill focuses on the visual aspects of a website.
· Just like an interior designer knows how to give a room style and pizazz, a web designer works to create visually appealing and efficiently navigating, web pages.
· Web Designers are familiar with how a viewer’s eyes will scan a page and work virtual feng shui magic in order to optimize visitor usability for each page.
· Web design is an art that includes graphics/animation content creation, color/font scheme selections, ecommerce set up, and some light html/xml/JavaScript programming.
Web Development
· This is often used synonymously with web design to describe a job/service function, but they are actually not the same. Web development is considered the “overall” of website production.
· Web developers may aid in some of the web design, but mostly focus on the “back end” of web design, producing a website’s interface using CSS/HTML, and creating functional scripts using programing languages like PHP and ASP.
· A web developer may also have a hand in the contextual content creation associated with a website, including the blog.
· Web developers mostly focus on streamlining a website’s functionality, but may also have a hand in design, able to create full pages through back end programming.
· They are responsible for authorizing a website (This is especially important for other skill sets we will discuss in part 2)
This is Where it All Begins
The website is the root of all production on the internet! Believe it or not there are dozens if not hundreds of job functions that stem from the launch of a new website. There are tools available for individuals to launch their own small business website without the need of a big developer team, but there is more to making profits online than just web development and design.
When you start/expand your business on/to the internet you want to create a grand presentation of your business to your customers/clients, this is your website. What you should know about building a website is that there are two separate skill sets at work during the construction phase of your online business. These skill sets are web design and web development.
Web Design
· This is considered the “front end” construction of a website, because this skill focuses on the visual aspects of a website.
· Just like an interior designer knows how to give a room style and pizazz, a web designer works to create visually appealing and efficiently navigating, web pages.
· Web Designers are familiar with how a viewer’s eyes will scan a page and work virtual feng shui magic in order to optimize visitor usability for each page.
· Web design is an art that includes graphics/animation content creation, color/font scheme selections, ecommerce set up, and some light html/xml/JavaScript programming.
Web Development
· This is often used synonymously with web design to describe a job/service function, but they are actually not the same. Web development is considered the “overall” of website production.
· Web developers may aid in some of the web design, but mostly focus on the “back end” of web design, producing a website’s interface using CSS/HTML, and creating functional scripts using programing languages like PHP and ASP.
· A web developer may also have a hand in the contextual content creation associated with a website, including the blog.
· Web developers mostly focus on streamlining a website’s functionality, but may also have a hand in design, able to create full pages through back end programming.
· They are responsible for authorizing a website (This is especially important for other skill sets we will discuss in part 2)
This is Where it All Begins
The website is the root of all production on the internet! Believe it or not there are dozens if not hundreds of job functions that stem from the launch of a new website. There are tools available for individuals to launch their own small business website without the need of a big developer team, but there is more to making profits online than just web development and design.